Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Private View and Comments!

The Private view was great fun and we went for Curry afterwards with some friends. Saturday was slow due partly to the wonderful Tube company, who would you believe....closed the Tube station down for the WHOLE weekend!!!!Really helping the Community. Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!  The weather helped and hindered. The reason being it was very hot and l think people sunbathed and BBQed, rather than treke round hundereds of studio's, which they normally do each year!
I talked to a lot of very nice people and a few l wished l hadn't. For example these two comments were made about my Silk Paintings.
"Oh yes very nice but far too colourful for British people" 
and another said about my Art in general..
"They are very different but not sure what to do with them". 
So not feeling too good about showing my Art again at the moment..a bit raw!!!! Have to develop a thicker skin!!!!
Then someone else on Saturday said......
"Not too sure on the colour of your dress but l think you are the only one that could wear it. It is unique but then no-one else would properbly want to wear it anyway"  and walked off. Am l meant to be flattered or angry or very hurt?

 Spirit people
 Cock of the Walk
 Happy Fish.
Noah's Ark (small version)
 Alphabet Friends.
I enjoy creating my Art and l know many people love it but unfortunetly it only take one person to knock your confidence......well does in my case. I have got to get a thicker skin!!!!


  1. Oh Lynda, I came over here to see your blog from your comments on my blog. I just wanted to tell you that I really relate to what you are saying. I will tell you that I create a lot of different clothes for my self, and as I get older I care less and less what people think of MY style. I draw on my jeans, I discharge shirts, I sew funky things on my shirts and on jackets. I'm at a point where I really don't care what people think and even though I say that.. i don't like to hear negative comments. I'm over fifty and sometimes think what I wear is maybe for a younger set but really it's for ME .. it's artsy TO ME. And that is really all I care about. So .. my recommendation to you is to keep all the nice comments that people made about your beautiful artwork and THROW OUT the rest!!!! I Think your work is great and yes colorful!!! Does it say somewhere that Brit's don't like color? These look like they would be delightful in childrens rooms, maybe market to that type of client. And as for your dress?? IT's gorgeous, I LOVE IT and I think the color is fabulous!!!! I'd definitely wear it!!! So hang tough. Your work reminds me of a stitch artist that lives near me. Her name is Susan Sorell her out. And just forget those negatives and keep doing what you love to do!!!! Ok .. thanks for stopping over at my blog. Have a fabulous day!!!

  2. Tammy you brighten up my dayxxxL will be 60 next year and yes you are right. Normally l dress for me and don't care what others say but for some reason today..the comments hit home. Maybe it was because they all came at the same time or l was just tired and hot..who knows!! but l am ok now and back on track..thanks for the kind wordxxxxlynda

  3. The Pocohontas look revived. Too late, and possibly too far out (geographically) for London Fashion Week. If only it had been on one of those catwalks we might have stimulated a retro Haight-Ashbury "look" for the mass market... But... how then to be different? The price of being "exceptional" for those who seek mass approbation is to become ordinary.

  4. Yes, artists do have to get a thicker skin.. when you are being true to yourself and being unique and different..and taking risks and you are saying "this is my work like it or not..when you move out of the middle of that bell curve where your work is safe.. and more to the edges of the bell curve-- people are going to either love your work or not.. too bad they are so expressive.. the more shows you do the more you will shrug off such silly comments.

  5. You're charming. Great look of the redyed dress. Love your stitches and fabric works. Your experiments of eucalyptus leaves dyeing are so clear.

  6. Your work is lovely, particularly the dress! I'm so pleased to see your work and look forward to more.
