Monday, October 10, 2011

my "won" give-away and my embroidery "stuff"

I was such a lucky girl last week..l received my free give-away from Lorna of
I was expecting just a bee is beautiful. I have worn it a few times and had lots of nice comments Lornax 
What l had not expected was this gorgeous necklace that came with it. It is so me Lorna!xx
Here is my newest, finished piece of Eco-dyed and embroidered rescued fabric. I found this tatty piece of what they now call "Vintage"cloth in the Oxfam £2 box. I think it is part of an old boddice. So l bundled and dyed it with Eucalyptus leaves and then decorated it. It was a bit bigger than this to start but l cut all the fragile, unmendable bits away.

 This is my next work in progress. It is an old lace tray cloth, dyed with Eucyalpyus leaves and l have started to embroider it. I can save it even though it is very fragile!

 I have just finished 2 more felt bags..will show you tomorrow. I am so enjoying myself.


  1. Wow! They look beautiful. What will you do with them once salvaged?

  2. some become part of a large cloth l am making to turn into a skirt! Some will become framed!xxlynda
