Friday, July 23, 2010

A new hanging(!) and a finished cross-stitch piece.

I have just finished this birthday present for my wonderful daughter-in-law. It is the same small "cushions" l  make my book covers from, but made it into a wall hanging instead. I have also put up an image of a finished crossstitch piece, which l finished a while ago..called "Noah's Ark"! Enjoyx
Below is a close up view of the some of the decorated "Cushions" which makes up the hanging. I will also decorate a wooden stick for it to hang on in the near future. Fingers crossed she likes it!

Below is the Noah's Ark cross-stitch piece. Have not decided yet how to frame it.

Night folksx


  1. I love your wild abandon with color! These cushion pieces make me smile.

  2. I find your cushion pieces most delightful... (have to try that myself one day - by far not as colourful, of course... ;)

  3. so vibrant!!!! that's an alive/living piece

  4. thanks for viewing my me reasons to go on, when l am feeling low and wondering if my Art is any good. Thanksxxlynda
