Today, l ran a workshop for Amelia and two of her friends on how to work and use Wax in your collage work. It was an amazing session and l really loved teaching what l hve discovered about using wax other than in Batik work! Below are some images from the morning. These lovely ladies have convinced me l need to teach workshops again! thank youx
As you can see from below...even when teaching, it is hard to be neat on my Art table!!!!
Putting a first layer of beeswax and coloured wax crayons (the kind your children would use)wax on a handmade luggage label. Here glitter has been added to the label, before addintg the wax... good effect .
Some of the amazing work the ladies made in a very short time. Very impressed ladies!x
Material can also be covered in wax before or after you put images on to it.
The tool below helps to melt, spead or even out wax. The job can also be down with a small craft iron or an OLD ordinary iron, that you now longer use for ironing clothes!
More work in progress!
Finished pieces..on casrdboard and a homemade luggage label.
A very good session and l think was enjoyed by all, especially me!
Thanks for such a lovely morning Lynda- it was really great to meet you- we must do it again soon :) I've written up a post about it on my (non-autism!) blog:
This looks great! I love wax-I only discovered it about a year ago via Suzi Blu. It has such a lot of possibilities and it looks like you all had fun today! Have you tried the encaustic coloured wax or is it beeswax? You can get interesting layered effects with the coloured stuff.